Countries Of The Asia

The issue of south–north migration representing a ‘brain drain’ of skill and talent needed for development in the home countries is a longstanding one in the region. In several origin countries, however, the occupational profile of migrant workers is largely an unskilled and semi-skilled one so that movement out of a country like Indonesia certainly cannot be characterized as a brain drain. On the other hand, much of the movement out of countries like India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Singapore is of skilled and highly educated groups. In those cases, however, the movement is not necessarily a net economic loss to the nation. Economic studies have shown that in some cases individuals have a net positive economic impact if they go overseas and remit money back to their home country rather than remain behind.

The constitution recognizes 22 “scheduled languages”, which were given recognition, status and official encouragement. In addition, Tamil, Sanskrit, Telegu, Kannada, Malayalam and Oriya were awarded the distinction of classical language. Other major languages in India include Bengali, Marathi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi and Assamese. Located in South Asia, Bangladesh is bordered by India to its west, north and east, Burma to its southeast and to its south, it faces the Bay of Bengal. Along with the neighboring Indian states of West Bengal and Tripura, it forms part of the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal.

Southeast Asia

With Thailand’s ratification, all ten ASEAN countries have now ratified the treaty. In the Maldives, GDP growth has been driven by strong tourism, especially from Europe, China, and India. In fact, European guests accounted for about half of arrivals and grew by 16.5% in 2019.

Countries In Asia 2022

Additional confusion is created by transcontinental countries, which cross over continental lines. For instance, Egypt is mostly in Africa, but its northeast corner extends into Asia. Turkey lies almost entirely in Asia, but its biggest city, Istanbul, is located in the tiny portion of Turkey that extends into Europe. Nonprofit international development organization based in San Francisco with network offices located in 18 Asian countries and Washington, D.C. This LibGuide is designed to provide you with scholarly, high-quality print-based and web-based resources about the Middle East. The information included here is not all inclusive and should be treated as starting points for your research.

Education About Asia: Online Archives

The Dubai Metro system is the first urban train network on the Arabian Peninsula. Russia has oil reserves in Siberia, and massive natural gas reserves throughout the Arctic. Russia is the world’s largest producer of natural gas, and the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe. Russia has not aggressively drilled in the Arctic Ocean, but engineers say the area holds millions of barrels of oil and gas reserves.

The northeastward movement of the subcontinent continues at about 2.4 inches per year. The impact and pressure continue to raise the Plateau of Tibet and the Himalayas. Asia is bounded by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Indian Ocean to the south, the Red Sea (as well as the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean—the Mediterranean and the Black) to the southwest, and Europe to the west. Asia is separated from North America to the northeast by the Bering Strait and from Australia to the southeast by the seas and straits connecting the Indian and Pacific oceans.

The focus of the meeting was on Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. The potential increase in the use of nuclear energy was discussed in this regard. The members drafted an ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Environmental Sustainability to be signed at the 13th ASEAN Summit. In the days prior to the meeting, Ministers discussed the creation of an agency to monitor compliance with the SEANWFZ. The ministers also discussed their intentions to strengthen the regions relationship with the IAEA and capacity to implement safeguards. On 24 July, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea acceded to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.
